Welcome to St Timothy’s

St Timothy’s Episcopal Church is a diverse community of individuals and families bound together by the sacrament of Holy Baptism and common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We are not perfect but endeavor to live more deeply in the life and love of Jesus Christ through adoration, formation, and transformation.

By worship, we mean the worship of Almighty God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We trust that worship orients us toward God and love of neighbor by the power of the Holy Spirit. The central act of worship every Sunday and nearly every day is the Holy Eucharist, commonly called the mass.

By wisdom, we mean the increase of our awareness of our brokenness and need for redemption and the knowledge of Jesus Christ who has saved us by his self-offering on the Cross. We are formed, we discover the truth about ourselves and God, through engagement with Holy Scripture, the Tradition of the Church, and the mutual encouragement that comes in Christian community.

By witness, we mean the promise of adoration and formation: a life transformed by the love and life of Jesus Christ. We encounter a different way in viewing the world and the people in it. We are freed from the tyranny of sin and selfishness and live in the freedom of service and sacrifice.

We are an Episcopal Church in the Catholic Tradition, meaning we uphold the faith and practice of the Church before divisions and schism. We are a member of the Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church, and the Diocese of North Carolina.